Monday 23 May 2011


A commonly used term nowadays by our beloved PM. Never ending bombardments of words telling us how we can, and will achieve this status in the near future. Quote, "We will boost investments and attract many foreign direct investments to achieve our targets", unquote, says our PM.

Well, I have one simple and basic question for him. How is he going to ensure that these investments placed will if ever increase our incomes. Yes, I do not doubt that these investment would in the near term increase many businesses incomes, but will it also increase the workers income? Are you so sure that our Malaysian bosses are so generous that they will give the lions share of these increments to their staffs? I seriously doubt it.

The way I see it there are only two scenarios, one a very generous businessman who shares partially extras that he makes, realistically maybe, about 20%. Another more likely one would be to keep all the extra to himself.

I seriously do not see it in our culture, that the businesses are willing to share their additional monies with the poor staffs. You see, any increase in profits simply means an increase burden to the consumers. This means price increases (inflation) and if these increases are not supported by corresponding increases in income, it would mean serious reduction in purchasing power of the laymen.

Anyway, even if the income increases, it will not be enough to compensate for the increases in costs. An example would be, say an increase in the price of houses which according to the Government about 14.7% on average. However, you and I know this to be rubbish, simply check the prices now and a couple of years back and you will notice the increase to be more likely in the region of 30 - 40%. Now lets say our pay is increased by 5%. How in the world are we supposed to catch up?

The government had also pegged a figure of RM3K to mean high income but realistically anyone earning this amount would know that you are basically only getting by with this sum, especially in the city.

Well, I guess we will just have to live with it because although many say vote the present government away. I seriously do not believe the predecessors could do any better. After all, isn't it human nature to selfish and greedy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well how true.