Thursday 16 June 2011


Ok, I agree that it is very important to be a team player in any organisation to ensure that goals or objectives are met and synergies created. However, the definition of a team player or team work can have various interpretations or perceptions that generally depends on the emotions of the leader or person in charge.

Take a real life example, something that I have experienced myself. A team, consisting of 6 members, each having their own responsibilities and roles to play. One of them is a very experienced professional, while the others are either certificate, diplomas or normal degree holders with next to zero experiences. Who do you think should lead the so called team? Who do you think deserved to be treated as the senior or supervisor? Who do you think is qualified to train or teach?

Ok, now, imagine being insulted by the so called leader of this team, the manager (without any industry experience) for not doing sufficient (always completes work on time while doing 100% of what is suppose to be done with next to zero mistakes) due to his experience. To add insult to injury the others are praised for their efforts and enthusiasm in doing their work (not necessary correct or completed on schedule). On top of this, these "chicos" are rewarded with extra incentives by management while the experienced fellow gets nothing.

As mentioned above, some of these newbies do not complete their work on time or properly and during meetings the manager tells the rest to help them out. However, the fact is, during working hours these people are not concentrating on their work, they are basically chatting away (I would personally put their concentration level at maybe 50% most of the time). The experienced person on the other hand, does everything well within the allocated time with 100% concentration thus also ensuring that mistakes are seldom. if ever made.

Now that the facts are known, you tell me, firstly if you were the experienced person would you bother to assist or teach those juniors? Secondly, do you think these chatter box "chicos" are team players that warrants assistance? Lastly, would you as the experienced man be motivated to enthusiastically provide anything more than the bare minimal (responsibilities spelt out in contract) for the manager or the management?

You be the judge and decide.

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